Hey, I’m Laney.

A mom to four young kiddos who decided to put an end to exhausted days and impatient bedtimes. And finally feel good again in my body.

Do you wish you had more energy too?

I show moms how to be less tired and thrive with real food, less sugar, & high energy hacks .

Ditch the Processed Food. Real Food fuels our mind & body.

The first thing I did on my mission to have more energy was a complete overhaul of my diet. I knew the ultra processed junk and fast food I was eating was likely causing the exhaustion… and I was right.

Within a week of cutting out anything with 10+ ingredients (that I couldn’t pronounce), or that came in a box off the grocery store shelf (after being bio-engineered in a factory to last two years), and swapping it for real, whole foods, I couldn’t believe the difference.

I no longer felt bloated, frumpy, or exhausted. My energy was up, and perhaps even more exciting, my weight was down. I felt light and attractive for the first time in years.

Being that I’m a Type-A mom, planning out my meals and snacks seemed like the only way. Ha!

I now share my weekly meal plans and grocery lists (& even a new recipe or two) with my Instagram audience every Friday. You can get access to all of them here. For free. Click below and enjoy, mama. You got this.